Preventative dental care is the foundation of a naturally beautiful, and healthy smile.
Preventative dentistry is essential for maintaining your best smile. Proactive dental health care can prevent a range of advanced dental health concerns and may even help prevent systemic disease. Our preventative approach to dentistry helps patients save time and money, reducing their time spent in the dentist’s chair. We help patients maintain their oral health avoiding the need for more complex treatments. Owings Mills Dental Care provides comprehensive preventive family dentistry for patients of all ages.
Through early detection and daily oral hygiene, Dr. Chibb helps patients enjoy their healthiest smile. Dr. Chibb and the American Dental Association recommends that patients of all ages, children, and adults, visit our Owings Mills, MD dentist office once every six months. Routine dental checkups allow for close monitoring of any developing oral health concerns. Early intervention and treatment could prevent the deterioration the teeth and gums. Our dental care team provides thorough and personalized dental health exams and professional teeth cleanings.
Maintaining Smiles At Home
In between visits to the dentist at home oral hygiene is essential for the maintenance of your teeth and gums. Children and adults should brush at least twice a day for two whole minutes each time. We encourage patients to floss at least once a day. Flossing helps to remove food particles that get lodged between the teeth. Flossing can prevent the particles from forming plaque and tartar and reduces the risk of cavities.
Our Owings Mills dentist office encourages active patient participation in their oral health. We provide patient education for disease prevention and are always eager to provide personalized tips on better oral hygiene habits. Our dental care team can share better brushing techniques for children and adults for more thorough daily cleanings!
Dental Services Owings Mills Dental Care
Our Baltimore, MD dentist office provides a range of comprehensive dental services for the treatment of dental health concerns during all phases of oral development. Dr. Chibb offers personalized treatment plans tailored to the needs and concerns of each patient allowing for optimal results. Dr. Chibb enjoys seeing patients of all ages and can help your children build a foundation for a lifetime of healthy smiles.
Schedule A Consultation
If you are looking for a comprehensive family dentist in the Baltimore area, contact Owings Mills Dental Care at 410.697.6290 or click here to request an appointment online. Our dental care team provides compassionate, modern, preventative dentistry in a comfortable environment. We welcome new patients from Owings Mills, Pikesville, Reisterstown, Randallstown, Windsor Mill, Woodlawn, surrounding Baltimore communities.