Sometimes cosmetic dental concerns may be an indication of a more serious underlying dental issue. At Owings Mills Dental Care, Dr. Suman Chibb offers comprehensive, patient-focused dental care for patients in need of treatment. Dr. Chibb takes the time to thoroughly examine your mouth, teeth, gums, and joints to determine if you have developed a serious dental concern. She addresses any underlying dental issues first before treating cosmetic issues. The goal is to create a healthy platform for your cosmetic dentistry treatment to rely on. If you have a cosmetic dental issue like crooked teeth, damaged teeth, or missing teeth, don’t hesitate to contact Owings Mills Dental Care. Dr. Chibb can work with you to develop a treatment plan that addresses all your dentistry needs.
Treating Cosmetic Dentistry Concerns in Owings Mills, MD
Damaged Teeth: If you are dealing with cracked or chipped teeth, it is important that you address them right away. If damaged teeth are left untreated, further damage can take place which may require advanced treatment. At Owings Mills Dental Care, we offer treatments like dental fillings, dental crowns, and inlays/onlays to restore your damaged teeth. Dr. Chibb is a highly skilled dentist who takes the time to address your needs in a comfortable, safe environment.
Crooked teeth: may be embarrassing for some patients, but it can also cause issues for your oral health. Patients with crooked teeth have a more difficult time cleaning their teeth because floss and your toothbrush can not reach all aspects of your teeth and gums, which may leave you more susceptible to issues like cavities, tooth decay, and gum disease. We offer Invisalign invisible braces for patients with moderate to mild alignment problems. Invisalign can realign crooked and misaligned teeth. Patients have the added benefit or discrete, comfortable treatment because patients can remove Invisalign to eat and perform their everyday oral hygiene routine.
Missing teeth: should be addressed right away. When patients lose teeth, it can be due to trauma or a serious underlying dental concern. Dr. Chibb will need to perform a detailed, comprehensive examination to determine the cause of your tooth loss. At Owings Mills Dental Care, we offer a wide range of tooth replacement solutions for patients missing one or more teeth. We offer dental implants, dentures/partials, and dental bridges for patients in need of tooth replacement.