Every action has a reaction; nothing new to report there. For example, if you eat fast food every day, the chances are that you are going to gain weight. The same thing goes for your smile. If you do not exercise proper oral hygiene, chances are, you are going to get cavities. An action that you can do on your own that has a positive reaction is to eat healthily, and the reaction is that these foods will help promote your smile in a way that has not been done before
We have compiled a list of foods that you should try to incorporate into your diet regularly as they have been proven to help your smile in more ways than one.
Black & Green Teas
These teas are known to contain compounds that will slow the growth of bacteria. Specifically, bacteria that are known to associate with cavities and gum disease.
Hard & Crunchy Foods
Hard and crunchy foods such as apples and celery are hard to chew and take some serious force to chew them. These hard foods will rub against your teeth while trying to chew, and this will disrupt the growth of bacteria in your mouth. Not too mention, apples and celery have plenty of vitamins that help promote your overall health as well.
Chewing Sugar-free Gum
Some may tell you that gum is the worst thing for your teeth. However, chewing has your body creating saliva, so what better way to create additional saliva in your mouth than with gum? The additional saliva will help keep your mouth moist preventing dry mouth and bad breath. Just make sure that the gum is sugar-free!
Drinking Water
If you drink water every day, not only will your body feel better but your smile will even look better. Water will not only help prevent dry mouth and bad breath, but it will also help prevent cavities from forming. A majority of the water supplies in the USA are now laced with fluoride, so when you are ready to drink a significant amount of water per day, make sure that it is tap water.
Schedule A Consultation
If you are interested in learning more about which foods and lifestyle choices can help promote your best smile to date, then Contact Owings Mills Dental Care at 410-314-9546 or request an appointment online. We welcome new patients from Owings Mills, Pikesville, Reisterstown, Randallstown, Windsor Mill, Woodlawn, surrounding Baltimore communities.