Do you want a straighter smile? Invisalign is an alternative to traditional braces that comfortably straighten teeth for a more balanced smile. Invisalign uses a series of clear aligners to gradually straighten teeth over time.
Patients wear sets of aligners in succession over the course of about a year. Each set of aligners is custom designed and worn for approximately two weeks to shift teeth into alignment.
What are the Benefits of Invisalign?
Invisalign clear aligners are:
- Removable- The aligners are removable so that patients can practice diligent oral hygiene habits. Patients are less likely to develop tooth discoloration and tooth decay than those who wear traditional metal braces. Patients can also remove the aligners during meal times so they can enjoy a healthy, varied diet without limitation.
- Discreet- The clear aligners are made from state of the art materials that are barely visible. The aligners fit snuggly against the teeth, so patients can speak and interact as usual. Patients can conduct their professional and personal interactions without fearing the stigma of adult braces.
- Comfortable- Invisalign aligners are made from a hard-soft plastic. The smooth material does not agitate the soft oral tissue. Patients enjoy a gradual realignment process that does not require any painful tightening of metal brackets.
The Invisalign Process
Dr. Chibb will conduct a thorough dental health exam and bite analysis to determine if you are a candidate for Invisalign. Patients with more complex orthodontic concerns that affect the function of the bite may require more extensive orthodontic treatment and may be referred to a local orthodontist.
Dr. Chibb will take images of the patient’s teeth to create a 3-D model of the mouth. These images are sent to the Invisalign lab where the aligners will be custom fabricated to Dr. Chibb’s specifications before being sent back to our Owings Mills dentist office. She will review the guidelines and recommendations of usage required for optimal results. Invisalign typically requires check-up visits during treatment to monitor your progress in addition to your routine dental care visits for maintaining the health of your smile
Schedule an Appointment Today
Want a straighter smile? Call Owings Mills Dental Care for high-quality treatment at (410) 314-9546. You can also request an appointment online.